Thursday, September 24, 2009

New leg!

I went to my orthopedist last Friday and he said that I don't have to wear my brace anymore. Yay! Now I just walk around with an aircast on and with pants on, you can hardly tell that my fibula is still broken. I won't be running for at least two months, but I can walk. Well, somehow I survived the first round of tests a couple of weeks ago. We had two tests on the Tuesday following Labor Day and one test on that same Wednesday. I studied really hard and did pretty well on my tests. We just started biochemistry a couple of weeks ago and it is pretty brutal. We also started an embryology course which is interesting, but difficult. We also started studying the head and neck in anatomy which is probably the hardest unit in human anatomy because of the extensive innervation and arterial flow in the face and head. We cut off the top of our cadaver's head and removed his brain last week. This week I broke into his eye sockets from the top to look at his eye muscles. Fascinating. I've actually gotten used to the burning hair smell of the bone dust that comes from cutting our cadavers. Well, I don't have much more to report. I keep really busy with studying, but still find time to have fun once and a while. People like to have impromptu parties at my house. Just tonight people started showing up at 9 pm telling me that there was a going-away party here. I guess I'm the last person to hear about these things even though I live here. We had a fun time anyway.