Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birthday come and gone

Not a lot has happened since I last updated this blog. We have had two rounds of tests. The way that they structure our classes can make for a brutal week of tests. At the end of every unit we have a test for every class which means that I have at least four tests in one week. It's like a finals week every 3-4 weeks. Luckily my studying has paid off and I have done well on all my tests. Well, at least I passed some and did really well on others. We just had tests last week so I have some time now to breathe and get some things done like laundry and grocery shopping. I tell myself at the beginning of every unit that I will change my studying schedule and plan out my time better, but I seem to always end up at the end of each unit staying up almost all night before tests studying. Well, at least it pays off.
I think that my house might be haunted. I was just down in my basement putting some things away and I thought that I heard some footsteps upstairs. I figured that it was one of my roommates so I went upstairs to investigate and nobody was there. Weird.
About three weeks ago I was sick with the flu. I went to the doctor and they tested me and the next day they said that I didn't have the swine flu. I had the seasonal flu vaccine a couple of weeks before. Who knows what I had? I guess a strain of the flu that isn't covered by the seasonal flu vaccine. Since then I received the H1N1 vaccine so now I can't contract it. When I was sick my good friend Beth was sweet enough to give me a great care package of soups, crackers, and juices to help me recuperate. I had to take a picture of the mountain of goodies that she gave me.

On October 24th I went with my friend to see Ira Glass, the host of one of my favorite radio programs This American Life. He spoke at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee about how they plan shows and gather stories for the program. It was a fascinating lecture. During the lecture he played music just like in the show. I decided that when you talk over hip, instrumental music that almost anything that you say sounds profound and important. We each took photos with him after the lecture. There were mobs of people who wanted to meet him and have him sign things. My friend had a camera so I took a picture with him. I was nervous, but he was very gracious and friendly.
Boy, I live an exciting life.....

Me and Ira

My house. My room is the top left. Sorry for the blurry image.

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